How to Find Your Motivation and Put It to Use

Chad B
4 min readOct 22, 2021



In a world where we are constantly surrounded by distractions and temptations, it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything. With so many ways for us to procrastinate instead of getting things done, it’s no surprise that most people find themselves unmotivated at least some of the time. But what if you could break those bad habits and learn how to motivate yourself? It’s not as difficult as you might think! In this article, I will show you how.

How to find motivation

I’m sure you know that the first step to solving any problem is admitting that you have one. The same goes with finding motivation; to be able to get motivated, you need to realize what it is and how to recognize it. Once you understand what motivation actually looks like, it will be much easier for you to pinpoint why you may have lost it. Motivation is defined as the process of propelling oneself toward a goal in order to achieve it. When we are driven, we move and take action. The psychological needs for freedom, mastery, and belonging motivate us similarly. The needs for success, power, closure, meaning, and self-esteem drive our actions similarly. We all have different drivers, but we can identify and seek them out. So how can you take those needs to find motivation? You need to focus on yourself and what truly drives you. It can be your true love. It can be your adversary — something or someone that engages you to be better. It can be the urge to get out of your current job role and into something better. Once you identify your “why”, then you found the source of your motivation.

The importance of motivation

You got this, remember your why.

Motivation is the process by which people engage in goal-oriented activities. It is what motivates you to act, whether it’s getting a glass of water to relieve thirst or reading a book to acquire information. Without motivation, we would have no drive or ambition. Imagine if you were unmotivated to live and so did nothing — you would die because you didn’t eat, drink, breathe, etc. Without the motivation to get up every day and go through our everyday lives, we wouldn’t be able to survive. If you had the drive once and lost it as a result of life’s various pressures, such as job, family responsibilities, or financial worries, your present relationships may be at risk.

Motivation in the workplace

Motivation plays a great role in the workplace. When you are motivated, it will encourage you to work harder and achieve more. If you or your team is unmotivated, it could seriously affect the productivity of your company. For example, if an unmotivated employee has just received orders for their new task, they might feel that there isn’t a true need to accomplish it or even worse, feel there is no need to since there is no reward at the end. You have to remember that in the workplace, you can’t control everything. You shouldn’t let your motivation slide if you didn’t get that promotion, or you didn’t get that raise that you thought you were going to get. By letting yourself focus on the negative, you impact your motivation which could negatively impact your work relationships, even possible future promotions! You have to focus on your “why” and keep that focus, no matter how many bumps you get in the process.

Motivation in the home

Focusing on you improves relationships all around.

Just like how motivation has significant effects on your work relationships, it can also impact your at-home relationships. For example, if you are motivated to spend more time with family and friends, you may be willing to give up watching television so that you can engage them or even engage them in new experiences. If you are unmotivated, it may result in spending more time locked up in front of the TV or on your phone. The same goes for your significant other. If one is motivated to do house chores, they will take initiative to learn how to cook, clean, and do laundry. Without motivation, one would opt-out or not attempt at all. When there is that un-balance in the household, it adds unnecessary stress to the relationships which could eventually lead to a broken home. The same goes for prior examples, you have to focus on the “why” to keep that motivation going and your relationships healthy!


The process by which individuals engage in goal-oriented actions is known as motivation. It’s what keeps you going when you want to get a drink of water or visit a book for knowledge, among other things. Without motivation, we would have no drive or ambition. Motivation plays an important role in our everyday lives and at work too! We all need this feeling that helps us get out of bed every day and go through life with joy and meaning. One key way to find your “why” for motivation is by focusing on yourself — who are you? What do you want from life? Once those questions are answered, then you know how best to motivate yourself as well as others around you!



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